This Week’s Updates & Information
Announcement from the GM
This past election season has been a roller coaster ride of comment and emotions. Some negative comments were directed toward staff and, unfortunately, this eroded the trust necessary to collaborate effectively. However, after meeting with the newly-chosen Board President, Keith McLean, I am pleased to announce that the issues have been resolved and I am confident that the Association can move forward in a positive direction. I have withdrawn my resignation, as has Joel Heverling, SVCA’s Finance Director. We look forward to working with the new Board and the community to continue the progress made over the past year.
2023 Unofficial Results
The below slides are accessible by going to and clicking on “Announcements”, or access them directly at:

Sudden Valley’s Women’s Club is BACK!
The Sudden Valley’s Women’s Club is returning and has had two meetings so far. They will be hosting a holiday party on December 6th, please stay tuned for more details! You can reach out to club president, Barbara Walsh at for more details.
Sudden Valley Yarn Crafters are BACK!
The Yarn Crafters will resume meetings starting TONIGHT, November 10 at 6:30 PM in the Community Center. They meet every other Friday and are open to anyone. Their meet-ups are on the calendar and you can visit their Facebook group for more info at
This Week’s Events
Visit the Calendar at