This Week’s Updates & Information

Road Closures

12 Sunflower Circle: Monday, August 28 through August 30. Intermittent one-lane closure throughout the day.

18 Windward Drive: Monday, August 28 from noon to 5 PM and Tuesday, August 29 from 8 AM to 5 PM. One lane closed with a flagger for gas service installation.

181 Polo Park Road: Monday, August 28 from 9 AM to 11 AM. Partial closure for concrete pour. Flaggers will be onsite.

Please obey the flaggers and drive carefully.

End-of-Season Pool Closure Dates

The last day for swimming at the Main Pool is Monday, September 4th and the last day for swimming at the Quiet Pool is Sept 10th.

Candidate Applications for the 2023 Election are Now Available
Applications for open positions on the SVCA Board, the Architectural Control Committee, and the Nominations & Elections Committee are now available.

The application period is open from July 5, 2023, and closes at 4:30 PM September 5, 2023. Application packets are available HERE or can be picked up in person at the Welcome Center, 1850 Lake Whatcom Boulevard.

Candidates are required to be members in good standing from the time of application, through their term of office, if elected. Each candidate must be listed on the deed to the property.

Recreational Fires are Currently Banned

SVCA’s Rules & Regulations state that a burn ban automatically goes into effect in Sudden Valley if Whatcom County declares a burn ban. On June 9th, the South Whatcom Fire Authority implemented a Stage One burn ban, triggering this requirement.

The Rules & Regulations explain that when a burn ban is in effect, no outdoor fires except properly enclosed cooking fires using gas or charcoal as fuel will be permitted. All other outdoor fires (open flame, including recreational fires) are prohibited for the duration of the burn ban. 

Sudden Valley’s rules are more restrictive than those of the County. Even though recreational fires are still allowed by the county, SVCA rules are clear that no recreational fires with open flames will be allowed. Violation of the burn ban can result in a fine of $250. The fine increases to $500 if there is a subsequent violation.

See HERE for Sudden Valley Burn Ban restrictions.

Pool Schedule

Source: Sudden Valley Recreation Facebook Page