This Week’s Updates & Information

Board of Directors Vacancy

The SVCA Board of Directors has a vacancy due to the resignation of one of the directors. Members interested in serving on the board until the next AGM in November 2024 should submit a Board Application and Disclosure Form. You can access the form online HERE or pick up a paper copy at the Welcome Center. Completed forms must be submitted on paper at the Welcome Center

Applications will be accepted until 4:30 PM, Monday, January 22nd, 2024. Candidate interviews will take place at the Board Meeting on January 25th, 2024, at the Dance Barn.

Emergency Partial Road Closure

On Friday, December 22nd, the Lake Whatcom Water & Sewer District needs to complete an emergency repair on Hillside near Sigma. Flaggers will be on site to direct traffic around the workers. SVCA has alerted SSC so that disruption to trash collection will be minimized. The repair is expected to be completed today. Please drive carefully and follow the direction of flaggers!

Enchanting of Sudden Valley

Join us for the fourth annual Enchanting of Sudden Valley!!

This is a guided holiday light tour through the community. Participants register their decorated homes to be included on our tour map which is then handed out the official night of the event – Saturday, December 23 – at the Sudden Valley RE/MAX starting at 5 PM. We will also post the map online at that day.

Whether you are showing off your festive home or driving through and seeing all the lights, you’re sure to have a good time!

The decorated home with the most votes also wins a prize!!


This Week’s Events

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