This Week’s Updates & Information
Ray Meador Appointed to Board of Directors
Congratulations to Ray Meador, who was selected to fill the vacant board position by SVCA’s Board of Directors at the Thursday, March 28th, meeting. Ray will serve until the November election.
Marina Boat Launch Dock is OPEN
The new ramp and dock at the marina boat launch is finally installed and ready for the 2024 boating season!
Marina Moorage Renewals
Marina moorage renewal packets have been mailed to current renters. Please be aware of these dates:
- May 10th: Last day to renew your rental agreement.
- May 13th: Open slips will be offered to members on the waiting lists.
Please review your packet for completeness and return in person to the Welcome Center or via mail.
This Week’s Events
Visit the Calendar at
If you need real estate info or assistance, I serve all of Whatcom and Skagit County and you can text me at 360-305-3248 or email I would be happy to help!