This Week’s Updates & Information
Real Estate Update

Road Closure
A partial road closure for underground utility work for Puget Sound Energy by Power X near 2 Winter Creek Place will continue through Tuesday, March 19 from 9 AM to 4 PM. Flaggers will be onsite to direct traffic.
Board of Directors Vacancy
The SVCA Board of Directors has a vacancy due to the resignation of Sam Shahan. Members interested in serving on the board until the next AGM in November 2024 should submit a Board Application and Disclosure Form. You can access the form online HERE or pick up a paper copy at the Welcome Center. Completed forms must be submitted on paper at the Welcome Center.
Applications will be accepted until 4:30 PM, Monday, March 18th 2024. Candidate interviews will take place at a special meeting of the Board of Directors, date and time TBD.
Committee Vacancies
The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) and Finance Committee also have openings. Committee contacts and an online application can be accessed HERE.
Marina Launch Ramp Replacement
Beginning Wednesday, March 6th, the launch ramp at Sudden Valley’s Marina will be closed for the installation of the new launch dock. No boats will be able to launch from the Sudden Valley Marina until the dock is installed. The launch area will reopen at the end of March, when the installation is complete. Updates will be posted if the schedule changes.
Marina Moorage Renewals
Marina moorage renewal packets have been mailed to current renters. Please be aware of these dates:
- May 10th: Last day to renew your rental agreement.
- May 13th: Open slips will be offered to members on the waiting lists.
Please review your packet for completeness and return in person to the Welcome Center or via mail.
Trail Cleanup Planned
The first volunteer event of 2024 will be held Friday, April 5th from 10:00am to 2:00pm and will be cleanup of a section of the Lake Louise Trail, Sudden Valley’s most popular path. Click here to sign up as a volunteer and to get more information on the event.
This Week’s Events
Visit the Calendar at
If you need real estate info or assistance, I serve all of Whatcom and Skagit County and you can text me at 360-305-3248 or email I would be happy to help!