This Week’s Updates & Information

Board of Directors Vacancy

The SVCA Board of Directors has a vacancy due to the resignation of Sam Shahan. Members interested in serving on the board until the next AGM in November 2024 should submit a Board Application and Disclosure Form. You can access the form online HERE or pick up a paper copy at the Welcome Center. Completed forms must be submitted on paper at the Welcome Center.

Applications will be accepted until 4:30 PM, Monday, March 17th 2024. Candidate interviews will take place at a special meeting of the Board of Directors, date and time TBD.

Sudden Valley Names New Golf Director

SVCA is pleased to announce that Kevin LeDuc, currently SVCA’s Head Professional, will take over from retiring Golf Director Brian Kruhlak on April 1st. As was announced last May, Brian is leaving after thirteen years at Sudden Valley to focus on the development of a personal business.

Kevin Le Duc is very familiar with golf at Sudden Valley having spent seven years as the 1st Assistant Professional (1992-1999) before leaving to become the Head Pro at Echo Falls GC. His career in golf also includes positions at Loomis Trail GC, Semiahmoo G&CC, and Eaglemont GC. He returned to SVCA as Head Pro in 2019 where he has supported the smooth operation and consistent growth of our golf program.

SVCA is confident that the Sudden Valley Golf Course will continue to flourish under Kevin’s direction and they invite the community to stop by and wish him well!

This Week’s Events

Visit the Calendar at

If you need real estate info or assistance, I serve all of Whatcom and Skagit County and you can text me at 360-305-3248 or email I would be happy to help!