This Week’s Updates & Information
2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) Candidate Applications
Applications for open positions on the SVCA Board, the Architectural Control Committee, and the Nominations & Elections Committee are now available.
The application period is open from July 5, 2024, and closes at 4:30 PM September 3, 2024. Packets are available HERE, or can be picked up in person at the Welcome Center, 1850 Lake Whatcom Boulevard.
Candidates are required to be members in good standing from the time of application through their term of office, if elected. Each candidate must be listed on the deed to the property.
Lake Louise Road Pavement Rehabilitation
This project will grind and repave all of Lake Louise Road from Austin Street to Lake Whatcom Boulevard. Stormwater improvements include replacing a catch basin at the Mossy Roc parking lot and culvert repair at the east end of Lake Louise Road.
Daytime Work Operations: Expect single-lane closures of various lengths and durations during daytime work to adjust utilities, repair distressed pavement areas, and grind, pave, and stripe operations.
Nighttime Work Operations: The project requires limited night work to adjust utilities and complete culvert repair between Tumbling Water Drive and Lake Whatcom Boulevard. As a result, Lake Louise Road will be fully closed between Tumbling Water Drive and Lake Whatcom Boulevard from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. on multiple nights. We anticipate two to three nights of closure at the beginning and end of the project.
More info:
Road Updates
Through August – 2024 Road & Drainage Project – Granite Construction began work on the 2024 Road & Drainage Project on Wednesday, May 29th. The project includes replacing many road crossing culverts throughout SVCA. Residents should expect minor delays as construction proceeds, and the work is anticipated to continue through August. Granite Construction will communicate directly with residents when culvert work will affect their driveway access. Please drive carefully and be respectful to Granite Construction as they work to improve SVCA’s drainage system!
Stage 1 Burn Ban
The Whatcom County Fire Marshal’s Office announced the enacting of a Stage 1 Burn Ban, effective from Monday, July 1st, through Saturday, September 14th, 2024. This proactive measure aims to mitigate the risk of fire hazards and protect the community and natural resources. Sudden Valley follows a more restrictive protocol and per our Rules and Regulations, No outdoor fires of any kind will be permitted. Cooking fires such as enclosed BBQs are still permitted.
For more information see Whatcom County information HERE

Swim Lessons Offered
SVCA is partnering with the YMCA again this year to offer swim lessons. Registration can be done on-line at

Golf Course Walking Times
Beginning June 9, non-golfers are permitted to walk the front (lower) nine holes every Sunday evening after 6 PM. Please begin your walk at the first hole as there may still be some golf play on the last few front nine holes until 7 PM. Call the golf shop at 360-734-6435 with any questions.

FootGolf is fun and easy to play, and a great family activity! FootGolf uses a regular soccer ball and is kicked into 21″ holes on the golf course (shorter distance than golf).
FootGolf will be available beginning June 9th on Sunday evenings through Labor Day.
Adults are $18 and Juniors are $14. Discounts for Property Owners!
More info: 360-734-6435

Pool Hours

The Community and Quiet Pools are open for the season! Hours are 9 AM to 7:30 PM daily. Lap swim is from 9 AM to noon, followed by open swim from 12:15 PM to 7:30 PM at the Community Pool. Please visit the Recreation Desk or Welcome Center for your access card if you do not have one or need a replacement.
Valley Fair Returns Saturday, July 13th

Join in for a fun packed day of games, food and entertainment, perfect for the whole family! Activities include kids’ games and bounce house, a craft and vintage market, food trucks and beer garden, music and entertainment, classic car show and more! Admission is FREE.
This includes the return of the DINOSAUR RACES supported by yours truly – Sommer Nyte – as an opening event! You are welcome to bring your own inflatable costume or borrow one of mine for this fun event where participants suit up and wobble down the track to try to be the fastest dino-racer!
The full Valley Fair Schedule is here!

This Week’s Events
Visit the Calendar at
If you need real estate info or assistance, I serve all of Whatcom and Skagit County and you can text me at 360-305-3248 or email I would be happy to help!