
Architectural Control Committee (ACC) Approvals

If you are waiting on an ACC approval, please note that the September 15th ACC meeting was cancelled due to lack of quorum and no new meeting date was announced. The next regularly scheduled ACC meeting is on October 6th.

Annual General Meeting (AGM) Update

If you missed it last week, we have eleven* candidates running for the five open Board of Directors positions. The names of those running for Board positions are listed in the order in which they will appear on the ballots, as determined by lottery during a Nominations & Elections (N&E) Committee meeting. These candidates are not yet listed on the website:

  1. Andy Glover **
  2. Stuart B. Mitchell
  3. Andrew (AJ) Tischleder *
  4. Linda Bradley ***
  5. Morgan Libby *
  6. Asia Andrade
  7. Tara DeVeaux
  8. Nancy Alyanak ***
  9. Debra Quigg
  10. Laurie Robinson
  11. Tom Redd

Sandi Mitchell has reportedly dropped out of the race. Candidates with an asterisk (*) are current board members; those with a double asterisk (**) have been on the board in the past; a triple asterisk (***) indicates previous Board involvement as a non-voting director, serving as the Nominations & Elections Committee Chair.

For the N&E committee, Gail Chiarello will be on the ballot and Daniel Rodriguez is on the ballot for the ACC.

The AGM page of the website has not been updated to include who is running or candidate bios – it still states applications are due September 6th.

The Annual General Meeting will be on Saturday, November 5th at 1 PM in the Dance Barn.

Transfer Fee Refund Application Deadline This Week

You still have until September 30th to apply for your Transfer Fee Refund. This is for any person who purchased property in Sudden Valley between July 1, 2016 ad December 31, 2021 and paid the ¼ of 1% of the purchase price of the home fee. This was, in most cases, the Buyer who paid it. You should have received a letter in the mail notifying you of your eligibility which includes a form you can send via mail or you can use the website which is SuddenValleyFeeRefund.com

“Meet the Candidates” Events

There have been two “Meet the Candidates” forums held at Maple leaf park the past two Saturdays. Unfortunately they were both announced online after I had done the calendar and show for the week so I was not able to share them. They are being held informally but various candidate groups and have been announced on Facebook – I saw them posted to Sudden Valley Neighbors & Friends. So be on the lookout as I suspect more of those will pop up in the future. If you’re a candidate hosting one, please use the form on goodmorningsuddenvalley.com and I will put it on the calendar and announce it for you!

Trunk or Treat Announcement

The Association made an official announcement about the Trunk or Treat to be held Saturday, October 29th. They are asking for candy and decoration donations at this time, as well as volunteers. More info to come. The event is currently found on the Sudden Valley Recreation Facebook page. I have also added it to the calendar here at Good Morning Sudden Valley.